We are asked to identify the database where we locate our articles for research. If I am researching and it is coming from CloudSearch OAFT, is that the database or is there a particular way to know exactly what database an article was found within? If I am not going to a specific database like ERIC; how do I know where it is pulling from?
That is a good, but difficult question. CloudSearch is what is called an aggregation service. Aggregation means it gather resources, much as you would gather nuts and berries on an afternoon outing. CloudSearch gathers articles that meets the search parameters (the words and how you set up a search), then presents the results. CloudSearch gathers results from our collection of subscription databases as well as the Open Access (free research articles) in its indices. Let's walk through this step-by-step.
Let's say you are searching educational leadership and type that into CloudSearch. After clicking the CloudSearch tab to view articles, you get your results. Suppose I'm interested in this one. Ignore the date of the article in this example.
The View button means that we have full-text access. The gray lock icon beneath the word "Published" means that it is from a subscription database. If it was orange with an open lock, that means it is Open Access. Those will not be in a database. In this case, if you click the Database Links button, you will see the following.
This article is coming from the JSTOR database. You should be able to replicate this for most. Are you using APA, 7th edition? You should probably consult with your professor on several points because the guidelines don't mention the need to list a database. Note #3 below.
If you have a DOI for the article, then list it. (See APA7, 10.1)
If you don't have a DOI or a database, then you use the web address you have. (See APA7, 10.2)
If you have a database, without a DOI, then you do not list the URL; however, APA7/10.3 has a bullet point referring back to 9.30 saying to cite databases only when necessary, but give the 9.30 section a good read through and check with your professor.
I hope this is helpful.
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