Answered By: Dean Riley
Last Updated: Nov 21, 2023     Views: 63

If you are having trouble printing from LIBSTU or don't see it on the printer list, try the steps below.


  1. Add it manually by typing \\myprint\libstu or \\myprint\libstu-color on the Start Button.
    1. Wait time will vary. You will often see a box saying “Downloading Driver.”
    2. I understand a student might have to logout and log back in to make it stick but to use the adage -- YMMV (your mileage may vary).
  2. The easier option is to use the MyPrint web site at I recommend using a new window. While it is shown on the portal, you have to waste time scrolling around the screen. In addition, students still have to log in even though they have already logged into the portal so there is no advantage.
    1. REMEMBER: printing from web sites will not work with the MyPrint web site. If that is needed, then manually add LIBSTU (see #1 above).
    2. To print a web page, one must use Chrome.
      1. Press Control+P to open print options or click the hyphen stack.

      2. Click the Change button first, not the print button. You will likely see a group of printers. 

  1. Click Save As PDF.

  1. Click the Save button and location.


  1. Now that is it save, use can print your PDF via LibStu. Remember in MyPrint, you will need to upload your document, then print.

  2. Document should print the entire web page as a PDF. My test page was a lengthy web page and it was not cut off. This only works in Chrome.
  1. Saving/Retrieving Documents -

    Students routinely use flash drives but the school is making a concerted effort to re-train student thinking to include use of the private HCU Cloud ( With it, students have up to 1 terabyte of information. To login, use your HCU network credentials. You can use the entire online MS suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneDrive) by clicking the  icon at the top. Select OneDrive for data storage. You can work online and save to the cloud. You can, as needed, download your online document into the full-blown version of Word, etc., and re-save back into the cloud.

NOTE: ITS prefers One Drive over flash drives to avoid a virus-infected flash drive from interfacing with our network.