Answered By: Dean Riley
Last Updated: Dec 06, 2023     Views: 139

An HCU student, faculty or staff member can request an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for a book or article that Moody Library does not own by filling out an Interlibrary Loan Request Form. Requested items are sent to HCU Moody Library and kept at the Circulation Desk. Borrowed ILL books must be returned to the HCU Moody Library Circulation Desk by the due date. The request forms are available online format (print format upon request).

Some of our databases have an option to request items on Interlibrary Loan if there no full-text is available.

The Interlibrary Loan Librarian will try to obtain the material from the nearest free or inexpensive source after searching a nationwide network.  Items will be shipped to the Moody library.  Most items will arrive in 3-5 days but some could take longer depending on where it comes from. Every effort is made to obtain the materials quickly and at the least possible expense, but we cannot guarantee a speedy arrival so start your assignments as early as possible.  The Moody Library only borrows books and articles; no CDS, cassette tapes, DVDs, or videocassettes can be requested.  The patron will be notified by email when the item arrives.  Please complete your use of the borrowed materials quickly and return them to the Interlibrary Loan department at HCU. 

Remember to ask the Reference Desk librarian about a TexShare card. This will allow you to check out items from other schools (and returned to that school). Most schools accept TexShare cards but Fondren Library at Rice University does not. If you want to borrow something from Rice, then you must come to the library. We will verify that we do not have the book in question and fill out a form that Rice accepts. This form must be hand-signed by a librarian.

Questions about Interlibrary Loan should be directed to the Interlibrary Loan Librarian at 281-649-3181 or