Answered By: Dean Riley
Last Updated: Nov 20, 2023     Views: 638

The Post Office director says that students can get mail sent to the campus. The Lake House, as well as the Men's and Women's residence halls, have their own mailing address. You can get more information from your RA about the specific address. Also, be sure to ask about how to handle packages. Our post office is rather small and students are often not available when the package is delivered and a signature is required so take that into consideration when shipping packages.

All Lake House mail is delivered to the university post office. Residence Life staff pick up mail each day and store mail at the Residence Life office (lake house lobby). Res Life staff email each student who receives mail via the HCU email address. Packages are handled the same way. Students may pick up their mail at the front desk of the Lake House. Mail that is not picked up within 7 days will be returned to sender.

Post Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Mondays - Fridays.

Phone: 281-649-3730