Answered By: Dean Riley
Last Updated: Nov 20, 2023     Views: 1541

You will need to consult the Academic Calendar below and select the semester to check on dates. Otherwise, the catalog says the following about dropping courses. You will need to contact the Registrar's Office if you have additional questions.

Administrative Drop of a Student from a Course

The Registrar may administratively drop a student from a course, via an Add/Drop form, with the approval of the instructor, the advisor, and the Dean of the College or School in which the course is taught. The administrative withdrawal of a student from a course may occur only through the last day for dropping a course with a grade of “W.” These dates are specified for each academic semester in the academic calendar. A student may be withdrawn from a class for reasons including, but not limited to, the following:
1. If the prerequisites or co-requisites as listed in the current HCU Catalog for the course from which the student is being withdrawn have not been met.
2. If there are circumstances beyond the student’s control (serious illness, accident, etc.) that will involve excessive absences in the course from which the student is being withdrawn.
3. The student has not attended a class up to the census date, or other matters pertaining to financial aid and compliance with law.

Dropping or withdrawing from the University are serious matters and cannot be accomplished by email, phone calls, voice messages or purporting to have told someone at the University that the student is not returning or has chosen not to attend. Formal rules and documents must be fulfilled to drop or withdraw with the approval of the Registrar’s office required.